10-Week Kettlebell Strength+Learn to Bent Press
The true test of grit is a moderate program to roll with long term...
Welcome to the Bells Up Studio program, 365 Moderate!
This 20-session program (10 weeks) focuses on total body strength in split format (lower+upper body days), with one recommended conditioning class per week. We'll work on building the kettlebell bent press from the ground up, connecting movements with hang cleans and heavy lower+upper strength to build a well-rounded posterior (and anterior, if we're being honest). You don't need a short-term booty program or an intense challenge that eats you alive: you need Bells Up Studio programs running 3-6-5 moderate for a strong (and hot) bod.
What to expect:
*upper and lower body splits (combo of lower and upper body moves each session) with kettlebells and optional dumbbells/other gym equipment
*weekly conditioning session with kettlebells and body weight
*interval-based sets, wavy rep sets, and temp combos to keep you on track and vary the intensity
*Options for adding barbell lifts and pull-ups for advanced levels
*end of program test: benchmarks for squats, deadlifts, push-ups, pull-ups, bent press skill and snatch endurance
Please complete classes in order, completing x4 sessions per week, then REPEATING sessions in order the following week. We work with a double repetition cadence (you repeat each class twice) in most Bells Up Studio programs because repetition is the best way to experience change. Due to this, we offer full video classes and written versions of each class; you can choose to use the video twice, use a combo of video and written programs, or only use the written program.
Weeks 1+2: videos 1+2+3+4
Weeks 3+4: videos 5+6+7+8
Weeks 5+6: videos 9+10+11+12
Weeks 7+8: videos 13+14+15+16
Weeks 9+10: videos 17+18+19+20
Final Test: written document with benchmark tests for squat, deadlift, push-up, pull up, bent press skill and snatch endurance
365 Moderate: Introduction Video
Welcome to your new strength program, 365 Moderate! In this short video, Lacee explains what to expect in your program over the next 10 weeks.
365 Moderate, Class 1: Hard Yes (STRENGTH)
Trainer: Lacee
Duration: 33 minutes
Class 1 of 20Welcome to the first class in the Bells Up Studio “365 Moderate” Program! Today’s session should feel like an overall RPE 8 and will incorporate heavy deadlifts with upper-body push movements.
key movements:
*bilateral stance deadlifts (x2 heav... -
365 Moderate, Class 2: Retirement Squat (STRENGTH)
Trainer: Lacee
Duration: 43 minutes
Class 2 of 20Today’s session should feel like an overall RPE 8, with squats pushing an RPE 9 for lower-rep sets. This is meant to be a heavy strength session, so review the key movements below and plan to squat and pull with all you have!
365 Moderate, Class 4: It's Not Your Hormones (STRENGTH)
Trainer: Lacee
Duration: 37 minutes
Class 4 of 20Today’s session should feel like an overall RPE 8, with slider lateral lunges and Turkish Get Ups bringing much-needed lateral and rotational movements to your week. Bring a bench or chair for this class if you have access.
key movements:
*Cope... -
365 Moderate, Class 3: Blood Type Pumpin' (CARDIO)
Trainer: Lacee
Duration: 33 minutes
Class 3 of 20Sweaty cardio just for you and a set of kettlebells. This program seems simple, but double-racked holds and sneaky abs will keep your blood pumping through every interval.
***If you are doing this class as part of the "365 Moderate" program, you...
365 Moderate, Class 5: Long Term Hinge (STRENGTH)
Trainer: Lacee
Duration: 39 minutes
Class 5 of 20Today’s session should feel like an overall RPE 8, with slow and steady sets of assisted single leg deadlifts, two-hand kettlebell swings and chest presses. After a short bodyweight and kettlebell warm up, we'll start with superset strict presses...
365 Moderate, Class 6: Low Squat 4eva (STRENGTH)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 42 minutes
class 6 of 25Today's session will remind you that squats are forever (eva). After a bodyweight+kettlebell warm up, we spend 10 minutes focusing on windmill+bent press positions, followed by an interval-based working set of squat variations+upper body pull mov...
365 Moderate, Class 8: Moderate Mix (STRENGTH+CARDIO)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 34 minutes
class 8 of 20
Mix it up, but keep it moving. Today's session is a blend of strength and cardio. After a bodyweight and kettlebell warm up, we'll focus on heavy split squats with added rotation and side-step kettlebell swings for a touch of lateral movement. C... -
365 Moderate, Class 9: Deadlift 'Til The End Of Time (STRENGTH)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 34 minutes
class 9 of 20
program focus: lower hinge+upper pushA slow and steady hinge wins the race. In this class, we'll practice tempo heavy deadlifts (check written program for barbell recommendation) and double tempo standing overhead presses. Our finisher covers po...
365 Moderate, Class 10: Bells Up Butt Lift (STRENGTH)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 42 minutes
class 10 of 20
program focus: lower body squat+upper body pullToday's class begins with a bodyweight and kettlebell/dumbbell warm up, followed by working sets of squat variations and bent presses. We finish with upper body horizontal and vertical pull moveme...
365 Moderate, Class 11: Heartthrob (CARDIO)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 36 minutes
class 11 of 20
program focus: cardioHeart-throbbing cardio with two kettlebells. After a bodyweight and kettlebell warm up, we'll work through high intensity intervals (HIIT) of kettlebell swings, double push presses and weighted pogo hops, followed by a fin...
365 Moderate, Class 12: Walkin' Side To Side (STRENGTH+CARDIO)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 43 minutes
class 12 of 20
program focus: strength+cardio mixThis strength+cardio mix class focuses on rotational movements (like Turkish Get Up elbow rolls and jackknives) and ab work (kettlebell sit ups+everything else) with a sprinkle of snatching at the end. Be sure ...
365 Moderate, Class 13: Posterior, please... (STRENGTH)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 40 minutes
class 13 of 20
program focus: lower body hinge+upper body horizontal and vertical pushToday's session is all about posterior chain strength. We'll work your glutes, hips and hamstrings with staggered stance deadlifts in interval format, followed by explosive ...
365 Moderate, Class 14: You Can Bent Press (STRENGTH)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 47 minutes
class 14 of 20
program focus: squat+upper body horizontal and vertical pullRotate, pull and get that a$$ to grass. Today's session combines heavy squats and horizontal+vertical pulls for a balanced strength training session in interval format. We'll also prac...
365 Moderate, Class 15: Split jerk, jump or pogo? (CARDIO)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 33 minutes
class 15 of 20
program focus: kettlebell cardioToday's cardio session in a Zone 2 masterpiece with a few moderate kettlebells. We'll build through intervals of single arm swings, jerks or push presses and optional split jerks to elevate your heart rate to a s...
365 Moderate, Class 16: Lovestoned Lateral (STRENGTH)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 46 minutes
class 16 of 20
program focus: lateral+abs+core
We <3 lateral movements and hopefully you do, too. Today's session is here to work through unsexy accessories that make a big difference in a well- rounded training plan: lateral lower body sets and targeted abs... -
365 Moderate, Class 17: All Day Hinge (STRENGTH)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 37 minutes
class 17 of 20
program focus: lower body hinge+upper body horizontal and vertical pushToday's class focuses on a high weight, high reps sets: a final push before the test for the program "365 Moderate". We'll focus on convention deadlifts in a drop-set forma...
365 Moderate, Class 18: Pilates Arms (STRENGTH)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 40 minutes
class 18 of 20
program focus: squat+upper body horizontal and vertical pullToday's class focuses on heavy squats of your choice along with continuing bent press practice. Take your bent press to the next weight level if the movement is feeling good! We'll fin...
365 Moderate, Class 19: Iron Goblet (CARDIO)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 37 minutes
class 19 of 20
program focus: high-intensity cardio
Today's cardio session is a high-intensity experience, including 20 second intervals with kettlebell ballistic movements. We'll start with an active warm up, focusing on goblet clean progressions, followed ... -
365 Moderate, Class 20: Turkish Coffee (STRENGTH)
trainer: Lacee
duration: 34 minutes
class 20 of 20
program focus: lateral+abs+coreThe final session of 365 Moderate brings it all together with a challenging Turkish Get Up variation, heavy double suitcase curtsey lunges (hello, booty) and targeted ab+core work. After finishing your second time...
365 Moderate: Weeks 1+2 (Classes 1+2+3+4)
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365 Moderate: Weeks 3+4 (Classes 5+6+7+8)
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365 Moderate: Weeks 5+6 (Classes 9+10+11+12)
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365 Moderate: Weeks 7+8 (Classes 13+14+15+16)
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365 Moderate: Weeks 9+10 (Classes 17+18+19+20)
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365 Moderate: Final Benchmark Tests
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