Home Gym Hypertrophy, Class 13: Squat Stance (STRENGTH)
Video 13 of 15
Trainer: Lacee
*Please complete, then repeat classes 13, 14 and 15 in order before moving on to your next program. These classes are for Weeks 9+10 of your program.
*There is an optional fourth session included in the written program ONLY (no video, all movements from previous sessions); the fourth session is also meant to be repeated.
Class/Session 13 should feel like an overall RPE (rate of perceived exertion) of 8, or 80% of your total overall effort. This class focuses on pushing reps under time constraints for squat, push and power sets. For the final two weeks of this program, select weights that feel heavy, but still allow you to move smoothly and with speed.
Key Movements and Equipment Recommendations:
*single racked squats (use a kettlebell or dumbbell you can squat for at least x8 reps)
*single arm swings (use a kettlebell you can single arm swing for at least x10 reps)
*double strict presses (use kettlebells or dumbbells you can press for at least x6 reps)
*double push presses (use the same kettlebells or dumbbells as strict presses)