Home Gym Hypertrophy: Weeks 5+6
This Week:
Class 7: French Kettlebell Kiss (squat+overhead press+power)
Class 8: Rotating Scorpion (hinge+pull)
Class 9: Lush Lateral (lateral+rotation+core+cardio)
***optional 4th session by .pdf only***
Please complete classes in order, completing x3 strength sessions per week, then REPEATING sessions IN ORDER the following week. We work with a double repetition cadence (you repeat each class twice) in most Bells Up Studio programs because repetition is the best way to experience change. Due to this, we offer full video classes and written versions of each class; you can choose to use the video twice, use a combo of video and written programs, or only use the written program.
Home Gym Hypertrophy: Weeks 5-6 (Classes 7+8+9)
21.9 KB
A written version of classes 7+8+9 from the program Home Gym Hypertrophy, with a bonus fourth class (no video included for class 4)
Home Gym Hypertrophy, Class 7: French Kettlebell Kiss (STRENGTH)
Video 7 of 15
Trainer: Lacee*Please complete, then repeat classes 7, 8 and 9 in order before moving on to Video 10. These classes are for Weeks 5+6 of your program.
*There is an optional fourth session included in the written program ONLY (no video, all movements from previous sessions); the... -
Home Gym Hypertrophy, Class 8: Rotating Scorpion (STRENGTH)
Video 8 of 15
Trainer: Lacee*Please complete, then repeat classes 7, 8 and 9 in order before moving on to Video 10. These classes are for Weeks 5+6 of your program.
*There is an optional fourth session included in the written program ONLY (no video, all movements from previous sessions); the... -
Home Gym Hypertrophy, Class 9: Lush Lateral (STRENGTH)
Video 9 of 15
Trainer: Lacee*Please complete, then repeat classes 7, 8 and 9 in order before moving on to Video 10. These classes are for Weeks 5+6 of your program.
*There is an optional fourth session included in the written program ONLY (no video, all movements from previous sessions); the...