Best of Bells Up: Strength

Best of Bells Up: Strength

A collection of our favorite strength classes, meant to be done individually whenever you need a solid lift.

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Best of Bells Up: Strength
  • Trust The Thrust: It Starts with a Hinge

    Trainer: Lacee
    Overall RPE: 7 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 lightweight kettlebell, x2 matching moderate-weight kettlebells, x2 heavy-weight kettlebells, optional pull up bar

    Key Movements: double racked lunges, double dead stop cleans, double racked squats, double hinged rows or chin...

  • Trust The Thrust: Discipline vs. Motivation

    Trainer: Lacee

    Overall RPE: 7 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 lightweight kettlebell, x2 matching moderate-weight kettlebells, x2 heavy-weight kettlebells, moderate band horizontal rows

    Key Movements: seesaw chest presses, banded seated horizontal rows, staggered stance deadlifts, sin...

  • Trust The Thrust: Above Average

    Trainer: Lacee
    Overall RPE: 8 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 light kettlebell, x2 matching moderate kettlebells, x2 heavy kettlebells

    Key Movements: double racked squats, eccentric pull downs, curtsey lunges, standing strict presses

  • Trust the Thrust: Lift & Repeat

    Trainer: Lacee
    Overall RPE: 9 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 heavy kettlebell, x1 moderate weight kettlebell

    Key Movements: isometric split squat holds, single side racked squats, singe side seated overhead presses, goblet clean to squat with tempo

  • Trust the Thrust: Shake It Out

    Trainer: Lacee
    Overall RPE: 8 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x2 heavy kettlebells, x1 swing-weight kettlebell, x2 moderate weight kettlebell, bench or chair, optional barbell or dumbbells for bench rows and Romanian deadlifts

    Key Movements: double kettlebell Romanian deadlifts or optional...

  • Trust the Thrust: Knock Out

    Trainer: Lacee
    Overall RPE: 9 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 light weight kettlebell, x2 matching moderate weight kettlebells, x2 heavy weight kettlebells

    Key Movements: double racked 1+1/2 squats, two-hand swings, single racked lateral lunges, waiters press

  • Advanced Series: Rising in Cancer

    Trainer: Lacee
    Overall RPE (rate of perceived effort) of 7-8 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 medium/heavy kettlebell, x1 optional light kettlebell, optional pull up bar, small towel

    Key Movements: single leg Romanian deadlifts, crush grip rows, halo to chop, kneeling triceps extensions

  • Advanced Series: What time were you born?

    Trainer: Lacee

    Double front racked squats and two hand swings should feel heavy; press weight should be based on a RPE 8 single side strict press for x3 reps. This is a classic strength session without any fluff!

    Overall RPE: 8 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x2 moderate/heavy kettlebells...

  • Advanced Series: That's So Aries of You...

    Trainer: Lacee

    Prepare to dead clean heavy and choose a bell for the final endurance session your current snatch-weight size or one bell higher. This session starts with 2-minute running clock segments to warm up, followed by interval training for strength and cardio.

    Overall RPE: 7-8 out of 1...

  • Advanced Series: Mercury in Retrograde

    Trainer: Lacee

    Single leg strength and power continues to progress, with additional challenges added to single leg deadlifts.

    Overall rate of perceived effort (RPE): 9 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 optional light bell, x1-2 moderate bells, x1 heavy bell, x1 small towel

    Key Movemen...

  • Advanced Series: Fire Sign Passion

    Trainer: Lacee

    This class uses double racked bells in mixed weights (one heavy+one moderate, ideally a size down from heavy). If you don't have access to enough bells to mix, no worries: bring a matching set in a RPE 9 level rack for front-loaded squats.

    Overall RPE: 8 our of 10

    Equipment Rec...

  • Advanced Series: Grounded to the Earth

    Trainer: Lacee

    If possible, upgrade your bell size to match RPE 9 for single leg Romanian deadlifts, hinged rows and side step two hand swings. It's leg day, with a mix of total body.

    Overall RPE 8 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 light/moderate bell, x2 moderate bells, x1 heavy bell, ...

  • Advanced Series: The Cusp of Something Profound...

    Trainer: Lacee

    This class might look deceiving when written, but with heavy bells for each movement. Go as heavy as possible (safely) for the final sequence of single arm swings and Turkish Get Ups.

    Overall RPE: 8 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 optional light/moderate bell, x1 moderat...

  • Strength and Power: 8 Egg Omelette

    Trainer: Lacee
    Duration: 40 minutes
    Overall RPE: 9 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x2 light or medium bells, x1 medium or heavy bells, resistance band

    Key Movements: Romanian deadlifts, push presses, viking presses, jerks, double bell racked marches, offset push ups, Turkish Get Ups

  • Strength and Power: Unleash the Beast

    Trainer: Lacee
    Duration: 40 minutes

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 light bell x2 medium bells

    Key Movements: double bell suitcase deadlifts, standing windmills, jerks or viking presses

  • Strength and Power: Step Outside the Gym Box

    Trainer: Lacee

    Take this class to an RPE 7-8 by adjusting your rep counts and weights! Lacee gives cues to help you find the right mix for you, including modifications for advanced strength movements. This class is a classic x4 round strength tri-set, followed by a short power sequence with swin...

  • Strength and Power: Glutes on Fire

    Trainer: Lacee
    Duration: 40 minutes
    Class Type: Full Video
    Overall RPE: 9 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x2 medium bells, x1 heavy bell, optional yoga block, optional pull up bar (if able to do pull ups)

    Key Movements: double bell chest presses, single arm gorilla rows, optional pull ups,...

  • Strength and Power: Drop Set

    Trainer: Lacee
    Overall RPE: 8 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x2 light to medium bells, x1 medium to heavy bell, resistance band

    Key Movements: goblet deadlifts, overhead marches, push presses, Turkish Get Up rolls, tricep push ups, biceps curls

  • Strength and Power: Ladders

    Trainer: Lacee

    Overall RPE: 8 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x2 medium bells-heavy bells

    Key Movements: double rack squats, alternating hinged rows, half kneeling presses, single arm swings, 90 degree goblet hold marches

  • Strength and Power: Muscle Maven

    Trainer: Lacee
    Overall RPE: 8 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x2 medium-heavy bells, optional pull up bar

    Key Movements: chest press, lunges, quadruped row, mixed modality lunges, optional snatches

  • Strength and Power: Gym Rat

    Trainer: Lacee
    Duration: 40 minutes

    Today we will be rotating with the SOS Turkish Get Up and lateral lunges. There is a nice variety of strength added into the program with renegade rows and deadlifts to strengthen the back of the body.

    Overall RPE: 8 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 l...

  • Strength and Power: Ripped, Not Toned

    Trainer: Lacee

    Overall RPE: 8 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 light+medium+heavy bell, x1 towel, x1 resistance band and optional pull up bar

    Key Movements: push ups, bicep curls, waiter's presses, flutter kicks, single arm swings and single racked squats

  • Strength and Power: Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Trainer: Lacee

    Overall RPE: 8 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 light, medium and heavy bell

    Key Movements: pulsing goblet squats, kettlebell swings, bottoms up presses, cleans, viking presses and windmills

  • Strength and Power: No Plateaus

    Trainer: Lacee
    Overall RPE: 9 out of 10

    Equipment Recommendations: x1 light, medium and heavy bell, x1 resistance band

    Key Movements: 1+1/2 push ups, single arm swings, swing cleans, single racked squats and strict presses